New Articles

  1. What email domains are used for system notifications?

    These email addresses are used by inMotion to send system notifications: This is used when are receiving report subscription emails.  This email address is used to no...
  2. Applying Tier Deadlines in Workflows

    Workflow tiers can have specific deadlines set to move the proof forward after that date/time passes. This time constraint can be set at the time of proof routing. After adding reviewers to your tier, click Add Rule. Under Approval Settin...
  3. What types of files can I attach in the review environment?

    The following file types are currently supported as attachments in the review environment: *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.pdf, *.psd, *.ai, *.doc, *.docx, *.tif, *.tiff, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.dwg, *.ind...
  4. Resetting User and Contact Passwords

     To reset a password for a user: Navigate to Account > Account Settings > Users/Groups. Click the user record in need of a password reset. Type a new password in the "Reset Password" section, re-type the password, and then...
  5. Video: Creating Workflows

    This video gives an in-depth look at creating and using workflows for proof review. (4 minutes) ...
  6. What types of files can I upload for review?

    You may upload the following file types.  PDF Documents (*.pdf) Images (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png, *.eps, *epsx, *.tif, *.tiff) Microsoft Office Documents (*.doc, *.docx, *.ppt, *.pptx, *.xls, *.xlsx) Multimedia (*.swf, *.avi, *.m...
  7. Adding a User as a Contact

    In order for a User to participate in proof reviews, they also need to be added as a Contact in your account. To add an existing User as a Contact, navigate to the Contacts tab and click Add Contact in the top left. Add the User's name and e...
  8. Video: Reporting

  9. Dynamic Job Launch Forms

    What is a Dynamic Job Launch Form? A dynamic job launch form is one that changes depending upon the selections your requestor makes. This is helpful when you want to ask unique questions for different types of requests. A dynamic form can change as...
  10. Using SSO (Single Sign-On)

    What is Single Sign-On? Single Sign-On allows you to validate usernames and passwords against other client applications or a corporate database instead of managing permissions through inMotion. inMotion easily integrates with most popular SSO appli...