Proof Management



Posting a New Proof
Adding Content To post a new proof for review, navigate to your Proofs Workspace . Click, ' Post Content for Review.' In Step 1, Select your file(s) using one of the available selections. Your file will begin the upload progress in the right...
Posting a +Version of a Proof
When you've received feedback on a proof and implemented changes that you would like to route back out to your reviewers, it's important to continue the feedback gathering process as part of the same proof. Use, +Versioning to associate your updated...
Viewing a Returned Proof
Once you've received the email notification that your proof has been returned, navigate to your Proofs Workspace and locate the proof with the status   'Returned Actions Needed.'  To view the reviewers' feedback, click the Reviews action button....
Proof Subscriber List
You can enable additional email subscriptions for each proof (reviewer completions, status updates, etc.) during upload. On the Release Options page, there is an option called 'Subscriber List'  . Click 'Select/Edit'  to customize recipients and...
Reviewer Notifications
As the proof uploader in inMotion, you can receive a notification after a individual reviewer completes their feedback. When routing a proof, simply click the bell icon located in each contact card   for the reviewer(s) you would like to be notified...
Reassigning Proofs to Another Project
If a proof has been assigned to the wrong project, you can easily reassign proofs to the correct project. From the Proofs Workspace , locate the applicable proof and click on the Info action button. From the Proof Info page, click on the E...
Proof Templates
Creating a Proof Template with the Builder Proof Templates are a way to automate the proof upload process. By creating a proof template, the proof uploader can choose that template and automatically apply pre-selected settings such as Reviewers and...
Uploading a Web Capture for Review
In the Proofs Workspace, click Post Content for Review to initiate a new proof. On the Add Content page , click   'Capture URL.' Next, type in the address of the website you'd like to capture. If the page requires credentials to access (such...
Using Review Teams
What is a Review Team? If a certain group of people need to frequently review proofs, you can save that group as a distribution list called a Review Team.  You can create review teams ahead of time or during the proof upload. When a proof is releas...
Using Workflows
Creating Workflows Workflows allow you to add multiple tiers, rules and triggers that automatically route content for review. To create a workflow, navigate to the Contacts tab, then click Add Workflow  in the top right. This takes you to t...
Using Workflows with Contact Placeholders
To create a workflow using placeholders, you will need to create a new contact with a placeholder name, i.e. Designer Placeholder, and provide a fake email address. Create as many unique placeholders as you need for your workflow(s). Next, create y...
Applying Tier Deadlines in Workflows
Workflow tiers can have specific deadlines set to move the proof forward after that date/time passes. This time constraint can be set at the time of proof routing. After adding reviewers to your tier, click Add Rule. Under Approval Settin...
Recalling a Proof
Removing a Proof Before it has been Viewed If you've uploaded your proof and no one has opened the proof, it will reflect the status, 'Out For Review.' From the   Available Actions column on the right of the Proof Workspace , click Info  fo...