How do I clear my browser cache? mail_outline

What is browser cache?

Browser cache speeds up the amount of time it takes to load a website you've visited before. When you visit a web page, your browser creates a temporary cache of the website data which helps your computer load it quicker on future visits. If there are conflicts with the cached version of a website, clearing it can resolve certain issues you may have.

Clearing your cache

Refer to the resources below for instructions on how to clear the cache in your applicable browser.

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

Mac OS Safari

  1. From your Safari menu bar navigate to Safari > Preferences > Advanced.
  2. Check the option near the bottom on the Advanced menu to 'Show Develop menu in menu bar.'
  3. From the newly visible 'Develop' category in the menu bar, navigate to Develop > Empty Caches.